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The Post Graduate Diploma in Library Automation and Networking (PGDLAN) aims at developing the professional competencies of the library and information professionals in an automated and networked environment.
The programme also provides opportunities for in-depth or intensive practical training to enhance the technical skills of the learners to independently develop or manage a computerized library and information center.
Program Code: Post-Graduate Diploma in Library Automation and Networking (PGDLAN)
List of Available PGDLAN Study Materials:
MLI-01 Introduction to Computers |
Block-01 |
Basics of Computers and Communication (Hardware) |
Block-02 | |
Block-03 |
Computers and Society |
MLI-02 Library Automation |
Block-01 |
Introduction to Library Automation |
Block-02 | |
Block-03 |
Automated Housekeeping Operations |
Block-04 | |
MLI-03 Information Systems |
Block-01 | |
Block-02 |
Type of Information Systems |
Block-03 | |
Block-04 |
Query Language and Query Processing |
MLI-04 Networking and Internet Technology |
Block-01 |
Introduction to Networks |
Block-02 | |
Block-03 |
Internet Technology |
MLI-05 Internet Resources |
Block-01 |
Types of Resources (by Form) |
Block-02 | |
MLI-006 Content Development |
Block-01 | |
Block-02 |
Content Development |
MLI-007 Programming Language |
Block-01 |
Programme Objectives
The objectives of the Programme are to make the learners to:
- Imbibe knowledge and skills associated with the fundamentals of computer technology;
- Understand the basic requirements of library automation and services provided by an automated library;
- Get themselves acquainted with the components of an information system;
- Acquire knowledge and skills on networking and Internet technology in general and library and information networks in particular;
- Develop Internet skills with special reference to the information resources available in different forms and subjects;
- Acquire web-based content development skills;
- Be aware of the legal issues associated with electronic information.
- Be able to design and develop a programme by enhancing skills on programming based on specific languages such as Java or Visual Basic or C++; and
- Undertake a practical based project work in order to specialize in one of the thrust areas from which the learners will be able to gain technological expertise and apply the same in the area of library automation and networking.
Examination and Evaluation
The examination relating to PGDLAN Programme, has two components
Continuous Evaluation – 20% (Theory and Practical)
I. Terminal Examination – eighty percent (Theory and Practical)Continuous evaluation is related to Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA), which each student has to submit in the Study Centre. The Terminal Examination constitutes the second part of the examination. On the basis of the aggregate marks obtained in all the courses (Theory and Practicals), the division will be awarded as under:
Division Aggregate
I 60% and above
II 50% and above
III 40% and above
To fulfill the requirements for the award of the PGDLAN Programme, a candidate has to score a minimum of forty percent marks in both the continuous evaluation (Assignment) and in the final terminal examination.
Those candidates scoring less than forty percent will be considered, as having failed in the examination and will not be entitled to receive a Degree from the University.
Candidates who obtain a failure aggregate or who miss attending the terminal examination may appear at the subsequent terminal examination and complete the programme within four years from the date of his/her registration into the programme.
Counselling and Practical
Counseling and practical sessions will be conducted in the Study Centre/Tele Learning Centre (TLC) allotted to you. There will be fifteen sessions of counseling for each course. One session is equivalent to 2 hours. The number of practical hours for each course except project is mentioned in curriculum structure, which is given in Appendix – 1
Admissions will be done at IGNOU Regional Centre. The Candidate will be required to submit filled in the application form with necessary enclosures. The admitted students will be attached to the identified PGDLAN Study Centres is provided in Appendix-2. The List of Regional Centres is provided in Appendix-3.
How might we check our assignment status?
To check the status of the assignment, visit this link to the official website of GNOU.
Assignment/Project/Practical Submission Status/Checking:
- Enter Enrollment No. (9 Digit)*.
- Enter the Programme Code.
- By clicking on the submit button, you will get the result on the screen.
How can we get good marks in IGNOU assignments?
To get good marks in IGNOU assignments we should follow the followings methods:
- The matter (answers) should be ours.
- Our every answer should be Unique and not copied from anywhere.
- We have written all answers in easy and understandable language in assignments.
- We put all our efforts into writing to make it best, we will check all the assignments after completion.
- We will follow all rules of Ignou during the presentation of assignments.
- All pages of the assignment should be properly arranged and attached inside a file.
- All answers should be written in good handwriting.
- Proper indentation must be used.
- Each and every answer should be properly numbered.
- Only white A4 sheets should be used for preparing assignments.
- A copy of printed assignments should be attached in the starting of the file along with assignment code for further reference.