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The MSW (ODL) programme offers opportunities for learners for higher studies in professional social work. Besides offering the core courses pertaining to social work curriculum across the globe and India, it includes themes in some of the pertinent areas of social work such as globalization, migration, history of social work in India, theory paper on social work practicum and a course on HIV/AIDS which are expected to be highly useful in the present-day context. The practical components have been meticulously prepared to provide the learner’s hands-on training, which will enable the candidates to find suitable placements within and outside the country.
Program Code: Master of Social Work (MSW)
List of Available MSW Study Materials:
First Year |
MSW-01 | |
MSW-02 |
Origin and Development of Social Work in India |
MSW-03 | |
MSW-04 |
Social Work and Social Development |
MSW-05 | |
MSW-06 |
Social Work Research |
MSWL-13 | |
Second Year |
MSW-07 | |
MSW-08 |
Social Group Work Working with Groups |
MSW-09 | |
MSW-17 |
Contemporary Methods and Values of Social Work |
MSWE-01 | |
MSWE-02 |
Women and Child Development |
MSWL-15 | |
MSWL-16 |
Internship Journal MSW (Second Year) |
MSWP-01 | |
Others |
MSWL-01 | |
MSWL-02 |
For those seeking admission with effect from January 2019 session, it may be noted that they will be offered the revised version of the MSW Programme. The highlights of the revised version include Block Placement and Internship in practical component and emphasis on Social Work in African Context, Criminal Justice, Contemporary Methods and Values of Social Work and International Social Work. Accordingly, a student is expected to successfully complete 72 credits which include compulsory courses, elective courses as well as fieldwork. The details of which are given below.
The Programme offered by the School of Social Work, IGNOU, is unique and innovative in many respects. The salient features of this programme are:
- Indigenously-prepared self-instructional print materials are provided to students.
- Print materials are supported by audio ad video programmes.
- A multi-media programme package is made available.
- Every student of MSW is placed under the supervision of a professionally- qualified social worker for fieldwork supervision.
- There is a course on the history of social work in India titled ‘Professional Social Work: Indian perspectives’.
- For the first time, a theory paper on ‘Social Work Practicum’ has been introduced as a compulsory paper.
Teleconferencing is a one-way video and two-way audio facility. Teleconferencing will be held every month. During the teleconferencing session, you will get an opportunity to interact by phone in the facility or fax with the resource persons/experts who participate in the teleconferencing session and clear your doubts immediately.
The teleconferencing facility will be available at the Regional Centre and Selected Study Centres. The teleconferencing schedule will be sent to the Programme In-charge and Regional Director who would inform the students.
Teleconferencing is done through Gyan Darshan Channel. You must regularly attend these sessions. These will help you to clarify doubts and interact with other learners all over the country.
Radio Counselling
Radio counseling will be held through F.M. and you can ask questions free of cost with phone in facilities right from your home. A toll-free telephone number 110012345 has been provided for this purpose.
The programme will also be telecasted through the D.D. metro channel and the schedule will be informed to students in advance.
Audio-video Programme
Audio and video programmes for each course have been prepared to support your learning. These Audio-video programmes in the form of cassettes are available at all Programme Study Centres. These Audio and video cassettes will be provided for viewing and listening. You can also hire the cassettes for viewing and listening.
Students will be required to complete seventy-five percent attendance in theory counseling to become eligible for appearing in the Term-end Examination. Similarly, you will be required to complete ninety percent attendance in practical contact sessions to become eligible for appearing in practical examination.
Continuous Evaluation of Theory Component
An assignment is a means of continuing the assessment of theory and practical. Assignments will help you to recapitulate the theory and go back to the text again in case you are unable to answer a particular question. Thus assignments also help to reinforce learning in a distance learning system of education.
These assignments consist of a set of questions and activities that you will answer at your own place by referring your blocks. The assignments will cover all types of questions (long answer type, short answer type, objective type, multiple-choice questions, and case studies).
The assignments will carry thirty percent weightage. You will be required to obtain fifty percent marks as pass percentage in each assignment separately. Each assignment will carry 100 marks. In the final result, assignments will carry thirty percent weightage.
Term-end Examination
As stated earlier, term-end examination is the major component of the evaluation system and if carries seventy percent weightage in the Final result. The University conducts a term-end examination twice a year i.e., in June and December.
Students can take the examination only after completion of the course, failing which you can take the same in December or June of subsequent years years within the total span of the programme.
In case you fail to get a passing score in the Tern-end Examination, you will be eligible to reappear at the next Term-end Examination for that course as and when it is held, within the total span of the programme.
How can we get good marks in IGNOU assignments?
To get good marks in IGNOU assignments we should follow the followings methods:
- The matter (answers) should be ours.
- Our every answer should be Unique and not copied from anywhere.
- We have written all answers in easy and understandable language in assignments.
- We put all our efforts into writing to make it best, we will check all the assignments after completion.
- We will follow all rules of Ignou during the presentation of assignments.
- All pages of the assignment should be properly arranged and attached inside a file.
- All answers should be written in good handwriting.
- Proper indentation must be used.
- Each and every answer should be properly numbered.
- Only white A4 sheets should be used for preparing assignments.
- A copy of printed assignments should be attached in the starting of the file along with assignment code for further reference.