Knowledge of finance is most important for business organizations. It can also increase the efficiency of the business. Finance also plays a vital role in the progress of Corporate. All Indian big corporate like Reliance, Indian Oil Corporation, Infosys and many more can only grow because they understood the importance of Finance. IGNOU MBA FINANCE PROJECT REPORT/SYNOPSIS
Most working professionals prefer doing IGNOU MBA FINANCE PROJECT REPORT/SYNOPSIS from IGNOU due to its cost-effectiveness and value. IGNOU`s MBA in finance course is very popular among working professionals. It can’t be compared to any other distance MBA or full-time MBA course because they are designed for totally different purposes.
The course IGNOU MPB FINANCE offers students an engaging introduction to the essential topics in finance. IGNOU MBA FINANCE PROJECT is a research assignment, given to students which requires a larger amount of effort than is involved in a normal assignment; it requires students to undertake their own fact-finding for IGNOU MBA FINANCE SYNOPSIS and IGNOU MBA FINANCE REPORT.
The overall purpose of the IGNOU MBA FINANCE is to study the concept clearly and in a defined way. It increases the basic knowledge about the topic and makes easier to learn and achieve an objective. We can find information about the topic from the newspaper, books, and internet. By this, the students get an overall idea of the course.
Within this framework, Synopsis and Report Work of IGNOU MBA FINANACE PROJECT, the following specific objectives to enable a learner to:
- Identify and formulate research problems
- Write a good research proposal
- Identify and use appropriate research design
- Conduct scientific investigation in a systematic way
- Collect and analyze the data for IGNOU MBA FINANCE SYNOPSIS and IGNOU MBA FINANCE REPORT
- Learn to use appropriate statistical methods
The learners have to choose a particular area in which they are interested in. Then in consultation with the Guide, they have to select a particular topic for their project work.
The project proposal is an outline of the detailed work to be undertaken by the learner.
The following format can be followed for preparing the project proposal
- The Title of the Proposed Project
- Background of the Study
- Literature Review
- The rationale of the Study
- Objectives of the Study
- The hypothesis of the Study If any
- Research Methodology: Sample, Tests/Tools, Statistics to be used
- References/Bibliography
- Financial Performance of Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited (Hdfc) Bank
- Investment Opportunities and Investors’ Preference in New Delhi City
- Financial Performance of Punj Lloyd Ltd & L&T Ltd. Infrastructure Companies in India
- A Study of Working Capital Management of Leading Hotels in India
- A Study of Housing Finance by Sundaram Home Finance Limited, New Delhi
- A Comparative Study to Analyze The Financial Performance of Selected Public Sector and Private Sector Banks In India
- Portfolio Management: A Case Study of Investors
- A Study to Analyze Working Capital Management at National Fertilizers Ltd. Noida, India
- A Study of the Attitude of Investors and Brokers towards Investment in Mutual Funds
- A Study to Analyze the Financial Performance of Selected Infrastructure Companies in India.
The eligibility criteria to be a Guide/Supervisor is as follows:
a) From Study Centre/ Regional Centre/ otherwise direct can from Maidan Garhi also.
b) M.Phil/PhD. in Tourism management with a minimum of two years Undergraduate/Post Graduate teaching experience
c) Master’s Degree in Tourism management with a minimum of two years experience at Post Graduate level.
d) Master’s Degree in Tourism management with a minimum of five years of teaching experience at the Undergraduate level.
The student while submitting the synopsis should also submit the bio-data of the supervisor, duly signed by the supervisor (Refer to Appendix-I).
The learner will submit the synopsis along with the bio-data of the supervisor (wherever it is required), at the Study Centre/Regional Centre.
The Study Centre/Regional Centre will then send these synopses to the Discipline of Tourism Management, IGNOU, New Delhi for necessary approval.
There will be remuneration to the Supervisor/Guide for guiding each project. He/she can claim Project Guidance remuneration using a Pro forma (Appendix-II), after final submission of the project/dissertation of the learners at the Regional Centre.
Q2. What are the criteria for submission of IGNOU MBA FINANCE SYNOPSIS?
Ans: The learner has to prepare the project proposal/synopsis and submit it at their Study Centre itself. The Program In-charge of the Study Centre will examine the proposals and give approval to it. Wherever modification is required, these will be conveyed to the learner and accordingly, the learner will resubmit it to the study center with necessary modifications.
The project proposal should be submitted in A4 size paper typed in double space along with a consent letter of the Guide (Appendix II) and the pro forma for approval (Appendix III). The learner is advised to retain a copy of the synopsis. Proposals not accompanying the above papers will not be considered for approval. Please submit a proposal before the last date of submission.
Q3. What are some important points to remember during submission of the IGNOU MBA FINANCE SYNOPSIS?
Submit only one copy of the Project Proposal, and keep a copy with you.
IGNOU MBA FINANCE PROJECT should be written prominently on the envelope and should be submitted at the Study Center.
Ensure the inclusion of the following while submitting the proposal:
Pro forma for Approval of Project Proposal duly filled and signed by both, the learner and the guide/supervisor.
Detailed Bio-data of the Supervisor/Guide duly signed by him/her (in the case where the Academic Counselor is not the Guide).
Consent letter of the Supervisor/Guide.
Synopsis of the Project.
Q4. How many types of IGNOU MBA FINANCE REPORT are there?
Case/circumstance Study (Comprehensive): Including individual organizational problems and multifunctional area problem.
Inter-organizational Study: It is related to the inter-organizational study and focus on the management practices and Theory’s validation.
Field Study/ Project Proposal (SYNOPSIS): The Synopsis should cover all the important things in limited page (8 to 12) like the objectives, Research Methodology, instruments to be used, sampling, rational, observation, and objective analysis.
Q5. What will be the style of report writing?
Ans: The project should be creative and logical. Use simple words whenever possible and the language should be straight forward and Good. Avoid using abbreviation like (&, b/w, etc). The tense in the report matters a lot it should be present tense.
Q6. Minimum Marks to Get Pass?
Ans: The total marks for IGNOU MBA FINANCE PROJECT is 100. To get pass, we should obtain minimum 40% out of 100.