If you are looking for Ignou PGCAP solved assignment 2021 free of cost download pdf? So this platform is the best for Ignou PGCAP solved assignment 2021 free of cost download pdf. Here we will provide you with the whole information about Ignou PGCAP solved assignment 2021 free of cost download PDF.
A patent is the most significant form of intellectual Property to encourage creativity in science and technology and protect the inventions. It is a strategic tool for the development and creation of new technology and business expansion throughout the world. This programme has been developed to provide basic knowledge and awareness on the concept and to understand the National and International legal framework to protect patients. It also aims to develop skills of reading, writing, analyzing, and opposing patents. The main objective of the course is to enable learners to acquire drafting skills and practical knowledge of writing a Patent application, protecting one’s claim on his invention, opposition and defense, etc.
Program Code: Post Graduate Certificate in Agriculture Policy (PGCAP)
Session: January 2021 and July 2021 Sessions
MNR-001 | Indian Agricultural Development | DOWNLOAD NOW RS. 100/- |
MNR-002 | Agriculture Policy: Formulation, Components, Implementation, and Comparative Analysis | DOWNLOAD NOW RS. 100/- |
MNRE-015 | Cooperatives and Farmers’ Organizations | DOWNLOAD NOW RS. 100/- |
MNRE-016 | Project Analysis | DOWNLOAD NOW RS. 100/- |
How To Download IGNOU Solved Assignments?
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- provide learners in-depth knowledge of the Indian patent law;
- enable the learners to acquire appropriate skills for writing patent applications.
- Develop expertise in a patent search. And
- Acquire practical knowledge of writing a patent application, protecting one’s claim on his invention, opposition and defense, etc.
Where to Submit the IGNOU Assignments?
Dear All Ignou Students, According to IGNOU University, you will have to submit these projects at IGNOU Center. When you will submit your assignment then don’t forget to collect the submission slip, Keep it in mind.
Click on the link for more information.
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