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The Post-Graduate Diploma in Environment and Sustainable Development has been developed by the School of Sciences, IGNOU, in collaboration with SAFLI (South Asia Foundation Learning Initiative), OUSL (Open University of Sri Lanka), BOU (Bangladesh Open University), AIOU (Allama Iqbal Open University, Pakistan), BRAOU (BR Ambedkar Open University, Andhra Pradesh, India), and BRAC (Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee) University.
Program Code: Post-Graduate Diploma in Environment and Sustainable Development (PGDESD)
Validity: Valid from 1stJanuary 2023 to 31st December, 2023
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Assignment Submission Deadlines are as follows:
Cycle | Course | Deadlines |
January | MED-001 to MED-004
MED-005 to MED-008 |
March 31 of the same year
September 30 of the same yea |
July | MED-001 to MED-004
MED-005 to MED-008 |
September 30 of the same year
March 31 of the next year |
The objectives of the Programme are to:
- Disseminate information and exchange knowledge and experiences gained in the pursuit of the goal of sustainable development.
- Strengthen regional cooperation in an environmental capacity building especially in the area of environmental management.
- Educate and train individuals from different walks of life, viz. development functionaries, government officials, journalists, policymakers, farmers, industrialists, grassroots workers, environmentalists, etc.
The evaluation of each course consists of two components: (1) continuous evaluation through one assignment, and (2) term-end examination. You must pass both in the continuous evaluation as well as in the term-end examination (TEE) of a course to earn the credits assigned to that course. In the final result, the assignment in each course carries 30% weightage while 70% weightage is given for the term-end examination. You are required to score at least 35% marks separately in the continuous evaluation (assignment) and the term-end examination for each course. In the overall computation also, you must get at least 35% marks in each course to earn the certification. The Division will be awarded on the basis of total marks obtained by you in all courses, as per details given below:
60% and above First Division 50% and above but below 60% Second Division 35% and above but below 50% Pass, Less than 35% Unsuccessful
If you fail to score at least 35% in the TEE of any course, you can appear in the subsequent TEE for that course up to three years, the period for which your registration is valid.
Assignments constitute the continuous evaluation component of the courses. The marks that you get in your assignments carry 30% weightage and will be counted in your final result. Therefore, you are advised to take your assignments seriously.
There will be one assignment for each course. You can download the assignments from the link https://webservices.ignou.ac.in/assignments/. You have to complete the assignments in time. Assignment Submission Deadlines are as follows:
Cycle Course Deadlines
January MED-001 to MED-004 MED-005 toMED-008 March 31of the same year September 30of the same year
July MED-001 to MED-004 MED-005 to MED-008 September 30of the same year March 31 of the next year
You will not be allowed to appear for the term-end examination for a course if you do not submit the assignment for each course within the deadline given above. If you appear in the term-end examination of a course without submitting its assignment, the result of the term-end examination is liable to be cancelled/withheld.
The main purpose of assignments is to test your comprehension of the learning material you receive from us. The assignment responses should be complete in all respects. Before submission, you should ensure that you have answered all the questions in all assignments. Incomplete answer sheets bring you poor grades.
The University/Coordinator of the Study Centre has the right to reject the assignments received after the due date. You are, therefore, advised to submit the assignments before the due date.
For your own record, retain a copy of all the assignment responses which you submit to the coordinator of your Study Centre. If you do not get back your duly evaluated tutor marked assignments along with a copy of assessment sheet containing comments on your assignments by the evaluator within a month after submission, please try to get it from your study centre personally. This may help you to improve upon future assignments.