If you are looking for IGNOU MCO-01 SOLVED ASSIGNMENT 2020-21 & IGNOU MCO-01 STUDY MATERIAL download free? So this platform is the best for IGNOU MCO-01 SOLVED ASSIGNMENT & IGNOU MCO-01 STUDY MATERIAL download free 2020-21. Here we will provide you with the whole information about IGNOU SOLVED ASSIGNMENT & IGNOU study material 2020-21.IGNOU Study Material free & IGNOU MCO-01 SOLVED ASSIGNMENT & IGNOU MCO-01 STUDY MATERIAL.
Program Code: MCom | MCO-01
List of Available MCO-01 Study Materials:
MCO-01 Organisation Theory and Behaviour |
Block-01 |
Organization Theory |
Block-02 | |
Block-03 |
Organizational Behavior and Individual Perspective-II |
Block-04 | |
Block-05 | Organisational Culture and Development |
How might we check our assignment status?
To check the status of the assignment, visit this link to the official website of GNOU.
Assignment/Project/Practical Submission Status/Checking:
- Enter Enrollment No. (9 Digit)*.
- Enter the Programme Code.
- By clicking on the submit button, you will get the result on the screen.
How can we get good marks in IGNOU assignments?
To get good marks in IGNOU assignments we should follow the followings methods:
- The matter (answers) should be ours.
- Our every answer should be Unique and not copied from anywhere.
- We have written all answers in easy and understandable language in assignments.
- We put all our efforts into writing to make it best, we will check all the assignments after completion.
- We will follow all rules of Ignou during the presentation of assignments.
- All pages of the assignment should be properly arranged and attached inside a file.
- All answers should be written in good handwriting.
- Proper indentation must be used.
- Each and every answer should be properly numbered.
- Only white A4 sheets should be used for preparing assignments.
- A copy of printed assignments should be attached at the starting of the file along with the assignment code for further reference.