If you are searching out Ignou DECE solved assignment 2019 free of cost download pdf? So this platform is the best for Ignou assignments for 2019. Here we are able to offer you the entire statistics about Ignou DECE solved assignment 2019 free of cost download pdf. We will provide all the Ignou DECE solved assignment 2019 free of cost download pdf for all courses.
The Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education is a programme for continuous knowledge and skill up-gradation for those working in the sector of Early Childhood Care and Education. It is a unique holistic package that equips the learner to foster the holistic development of young children (i.e., children from birth to 6 years of age) and will be of interest to functionaries and teachers working with children in the birth to 6 age group in diverse settings, such as crèches, preschools, pre-primary classes, nursery schools, anganwadis, and balwadis; those wishing to set up early childhood care and education centers or managing such centers; parents and others interested in knowing about the development of young children.
Program Code: Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education (DECE)
Session: January 2019 – July 2019
DECE-01 | Organizing Child Care Services | DOWNLOAD NOW RS. 60/- |
DECE-02 | Child Health and Nutrition | DOWNLOAD NOW RS. 60/- |
DECE-03 | Services and Programmes for Children | DOWNLOAD NOW RS. 60/- |
DECE-04 | Project Report | Rs. 2500/-
Sample Download English Rs. 300/- |
DECE-01 | बच्चों के लिए देखभाल सेवाओं का संगठन | DOWNLOAD NOW RS. 60/- |
DECE-02 | बाल स्वास्थ्य एवं पोषण | DOWNLOAD NOW RS. 60/- |
DECE-03 | बच्चों के लिए सेवाएँ एवं कार्यक्रम | DOWNLOAD NOW RS. 60/- |
DECE-04 | Project Report | Rs. 2500/-
Sample Download Hindi Rs. 300/- |
How To Download IGNOU Solved Assignments?
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Last date of submission of assignment to the study centre:
31st July, 2019 for January 2019 session
31st January, 2020 For July 2019 session
The specific objectives of the Diploma Programme are to enable the learner:
- To develop an understanding of the needs and rights of children with an emphasis on the socio-cultural context of childhood;
- To understand the development of children from birth to six years of age;
- To plan play activities for fostering development;
- To appreciate the health and nutritional needs of young children and to be able to evaluate a diet as regards nutritional adequacy;
- To be able to identify common childhood illnesses, take care of the sick child and take preventive measures;
- To interact with the community and impart simple health, nutrition and preschool education and early childhood care and education massages;
- To identify children with special needs, to provide early stimulation and take preventive action;
- To gain knowledge and develop the skills and attitudes required for working with young children in crèches, preschools, nursery schools, kindergartens, and daycare centers.
IGNOU Solved Assignments
The assignment is a means of continuing the assessment of theory and practical. Assignments will help you to recapitulate the theory and go back to the text again in case you are unable to answer a particular question. Thus assignments also help to reinforce learning in a distance learning system of education. These assignments consist of a set of questions and activities that you will answer at your own place by referring your blocks.
The assignments will cover all types of questions (long answer type, short answer type, objective type, multiple-choice questions, and case studies). You will be required to obtain thirty-five percent marks as pass percentage in each assignment separately. Each assignment will be out of 100 marks. In the final result, assignments will carry thirty percent weightage.
Term-end Examination
As stated earlier, term-end examination is the major component of the evaluation system and if carries seventy percent weightage in the Final result. The University conducts a term-end examination twice a year i.e., in June and December. You can take the examination only after completion of the course, failing which you can take the same in December or June of subsequent years within the total span of the programme.
In case you fail to get a passing score (thirty-five percent and above) in the Term-end Examination, you will be eligible to reappear at the next Term-end Examination for that course as and when it is held, within the total span of the Programme.
Where to Submit the IGNOU Solved Assignments?
Dear All Ignou Students, According to IGNOU University, you will have to submit these projects at IGNOU Center. When you will submit your assignment then don’t forget to collect submission slip, Keep it in mind.