If you are looking for IGNOU BECC-101 STUDY MATERIAL | IGNOU ASSIGNMENTS? So this platform is best for the Ignou assignments. Here we will tell you some important things related to IGNOU BECC-101 STUDY MATERIAL and In this post, we will provide you with all solved assignments. We will provide all the solved assignments for the course.
With the academic session of July 2019, the Indira Gandhi National Open University has adopted the Choice Based Credit System introduced by the University Grants Commission. The Choice Based Credit System provides flexibility for the students to study the subjects/courses of their choice and offer easy mobility between different institutions in the country. There are two programmes under CBCS: viz. B. A. (General) [BAG] and B. A. (Honours) [BAH]. While the BAG programme was launched from July 2019, the BAH is launched from January 2020.
Program Code: B. A. Economics Honours (BAECH)
Session: January and July 2020
List of Available BECC-101 Study Material in Hindi:-
बी.इ.सी.सी-101 प्रारंभिक व्यष्टि अर्थशास्त्र |
खंड-01 |
परिचय | DOWNLOAD NOW |
खंड-02 | उपभोक्ता व्यवहार का सिद्धांत | |
खंड-03 |
उत्पादन एवं लागतें | DOWNLOAD NOW |
खंड-04 | बाज़ार संरचना | |
खंड-05 |
साधन बाज़ार | |
खंड-06 | आर्थिक क्षेम: बाज़ार की विफलता एवं राज्य की भूमिका |
While IGNOU has been one of the earliest to introduce credit-based academic programmes with a wider choice of courses, with the CBCS, it is now introducing semester system and point-based evaluation system under a 10 point grading system. The Programme Code of
B. A. Economics (Honours) is BAECH. This programme is of 148 credits.
The distribution of credits under a different type of courses is as follows:
i) Core Courses (CCs): 14 courses of 6 credits each (i.e. 84 credits)
ii) Discipline-Specific Electives (DSEs): 4 courses of 6 credits each (i.e. 24 credits)
iii) Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses (AECCs): 2 courses of 4 credits (i.e. 8 credits)
iv) Skill Enhancement Courses (SECs): 2 courses of 4 credits (i.e. 8 credits)
v) Generic Electives (GEs): 4 courses of 6 credits each (i.e. 24 credits)
The programme can be completed in a minimum period of three years (six semesters) or in a maximum period of six years. A credit is equivalent to 30 hours of study time. This comprises all learning activities (i.e. reading and comprehending the print material, listening to audios, watching videos, attending counseling sessions, teleconferencing, and writing assignment responses). Most courses of this programme (CCs, DSEs, and GEs) are of six credits. This means that you will have to put in 180 hours (6 × 30) of study time to complete each of these courses. The programme also has 4 Ability Enhancement and Skill Enhancement courses, each of four credit weightage (2 courses each). These require a total of 120 hours (4 × 30) of study time.
Although the BAECH program is a semester-based program, registration is done annually. Just like you have registered for the first two semesters at the beginning of the program, you must re-register for the second year (third and fourth semesters) and the third year (fourth and fifth semesters) before the start of the academic year.
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